PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Bowling League Secretary's System
PC-SIG #884
Features for Bowl Version 3
1. Supports up to 40 teams.
2. Supports up to 10 bowlers per team.
3. Supports up to 400 bowlers total.
4. Allows secretary to specify the number of games to use
last years average to figure handicap.
5. Adds a set-up file to allow the selection of display type
and input of printer codes for unlisted printer. This
file is read on start-up and selections are automatic
after the original input. (also in Version 2.3)
6. Prints teams in lane order according to the schedule
on the weekly summary sheet. (also in Version 2.3)
7. Adds option to print files to a disk file, then send
multiple copies to the printer. These disk files can be
edited with a word processor.
8. Adds option to include High Average in the individual
9. Adds option to drop substitutes from individual standings.
10. Allows secretary of split season to 0 records for mid
season, saving totals, then print out both first and
second half standings on the Final Summary sheet.
11. Allows secretary to 0 records at end of season for use next
12. Adds option to re-figure high game and series handicap for
first 21 games after a 21 game average has been established.
13. Adds option to print team high scores as scratch scores on
the weekly summary sheet.
14. Prints team list with team number and name.
15. Prints bowler list with bowler number and name.
Changes for Version 3.10
16. Prints high team scores with high bowlers if desired.
Changes for Version 3.20
17. Adds 2 game per match league. (Handicap)
18. Allows pacer scores to be entered.
19. Adds full print of team and bowler scores to Print procedure.
20. Display now shows both handicap and scratch high scores.
21. Adds Provision for maximum handicap.
For Version 3.30
22. Now sorts and prints High Average as a decimal fraction.
NOTE: Version 3.x does not read Version 1.x or 2.x files, should
you want to upgrade to Version 3.x the file conversion
program is included on the supplemental programs disk
supplied free to registered users.
Changes for Bowl Version 3.37
23. Black Cursor Fixed.
24. Added provision for Team Forfeit to the Scores Entry procedure.
25. Added provision for printing all team and bowler scores on
separate sheets without exiting the Print procedure.
26. Updated printer list, many more printers supported.
Files included in BOWL 3.37
BOWL 000 154880 06-08-91 Overlay file
BOWL 001 44288 06-08-91 Overlay file
BOWL 002 10752 06-08-91 Overlay file
BOWL COM 33197 06-08-91 Main program
BOWL DOC 51796 06-10-91 Manual
BOWL HLP 12314 03-09-90 Help file
CONFIG SYS 33 04-03-88 Needs files & buffers